

DevOps Implementation Services


Increasing adoption in DevOps is forcing organizations to look for vendors who have expertise in implementing end-to-end DevOps solutions. GoVirtual offers Assessment service to assist organizations to develop DevOps roadmap for DevOps areas like Continuous Integration, Automated Testing, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery. This roadmap is implemented using our DevOps Implementation Services to ignite and sustain the DevOps movement. GoVirtual forms a pilot team comprising of customer's champions and GoVirtual's DevOps consultants at customer location to select the right project for DevOps implementation.

Our DevOps Implementation service follows a prescriptive approach which will implement DevOps solution in a selected Pilot project which has high visibility, require frequent updates / releases and is critical to the business to bring the required momentum in the organization and buy-in from management. Our pilot project selection criteria focus on two dimensions like DevOps benefits to the project and importance of the project.

Implementation services starts with study of existing practices and tool usage along with the development of DevOps tool chain for the selected pilot project.

  • Spot a critical application that has everyone's attention
  • Analyze that application for identified DevOps areas
  • Implement 3 dimensional (People, Practices and Tools) DevOps Continuous Delivery Framework
  • Create DevOps Cook book to implement in rest of the projects
  • Publish the pilot results to All stakeholders

GoVirtual will review practices, provide advice, and mentor pilot team based on industry experience. With minor tweaks the final tool chain and methodology can be leveraged for the rest of the organization.

Key Capabilities

  • Dedicated DevOps CoE to conduct research in DevOps areas and trends
  • DevOps tool chain from open source and established vendors
  • DevOps consultants with lean and agile expertise
  • Train the trainer approach to gear-up pilot team for sustained DevOps journey